Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 3 Faux Potato Chips

Have you tried Baked Kale yet?
It is surprisingly crunchy, salty, and even a bit nutty

Ingredients Needed:
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt

You can buy the Kale loose or by the bag
I have done both and like the bag option better
The kale seems to be crisper which is better for baking

Arrange your Kale on your cookie sheet
Coat with Olive oil and salt
Bake at 300* for 20 minutes

Easy Peasy 


  1. I'm definitely gonna have to try this! I love potato chips, but they're so unhealthy.

  2. These are great! Mark can't get enough of them. I've been wanting to sprinkle a little vinegar on them but can't seem to find the courage!

  3. Boy this really caught my eye! We had been doing lots of green smoothies for awhile, and I have a soup recipe with kale, but I've never heard of baking it crispy. Hmmm. Thanks for sharing this! I need to try it : )

  4. Really interesting! My friend introduced me to baked collard greens a bit ago and they were great! Does the Kale lose the bitter taste a bit after baking?


  5. Thanks for the wonderful comments!
    The kale does lose its bitterness once baked crispy. However, if you bake to long and it starts to lose the green color and turns brown, it becomes bitter again.

    Also, if you do over cook it a tad and its a too bitter for your taste, leave them out overnight or for a few hours and the bitterness goes away. In fact, its how I prefer them.

